암호화폐 거래소 목록 / 리뷰
Reliable exchange ratings based on regulatory strength, liquidity, web traffic and popularity, pricing, features, and customer support, with undiscounted fees comparison.
Exchange | 가입 링크 | 전체 평점 | 규제 | 거래량 24시간 | 테이커 수수료 | 메이커 수수료 | # 코인 | # 쌍 | 피아트 지원 | 미국인 허용 | 캐나다 고객 수락 | 일본 고객 수락 | 자산 등급 | 유기적인 월간 방문 | d7de1360-54cb-4bcb-89c6-e923d52a15ee | ||
BitSwap v3 |
$85,588 69.06%
0.00% |
0.00% |
3 코인 | 2 쌍 |
27,060 (99.42%) | 3202ae5b-7a0f-4fb2-b331-566bb9778dfa | https://portal.bouncebit.io/swap | |||||||
Fraxswap (Polygon) |
$2,037 50.51%
0.00% |
0.00% |
2 코인 | 1 쌍 |
24,010 (99.43%) | 9170974c-c6d4-4f8c-bea2-85555029ccca | https://app.frax.finance/swap/main | |||||||
BitSwap v2 |
$11,436 103.33%
0.00% |
0.00% |
2 코인 | 1 쌍 |
27,060 (99.42%) | 5718a890-813e-46a6-97c5-ace49c4a1f1a | https://portal.bouncebit.io/swap | |||||||
$50 65.27%
0.00% |
0.00% |
9 코인 | 8 쌍 |
28,631 (99.35%) | 14ed2721-bc7d-480f-8d99-d975193de0a1 | https://swap.xcadnetwork.com | |||||||
SWFT Trade | 11 코인 |
5,720 (99.39%) | 1175bc65-910d-437d-94e6-406d20704f0a | https://www.swft.pro/#/ | |||||||||||
VinDAX |
$19,898,835 5.87%
수수료 | 수수료 | 112 코인 | 138 쌍 |
12,699 (99.04%) | 03746b3a-e269-4ace-847f-24166fae48f5 | https://vindax.com/ | |||||||
Helix |
$57,502,554 43.73%
수수료 | 수수료 | 59 코인 | 68 쌍 |
1,124 (99.50%) | d51c6798-b69f-499c-b3fb-46174d1b95ae | https://injective.exchange | |||||||
Websea |
$2,417,676,845 43.68%
0.00% 수수료 |
0.00% 수수료 |
104 코인 | 136 쌍 |
5,005 (99.30%) | 955e6eed-5eb1-4288-b457-d19ffb0bba4b | https://www.websea.com | |||||||
PowerTrade |
$19,510 43.62%
수수료 | 수수료 | 11 코인 | 12 쌍 |
4,386 (99.59%) | 87d65ccb-1d07-483a-bd8b-5454890ca731 | https://app.power.trade/trade/spot/BTC-USD | |||||||
OpenOcean |
$22,634,008 2.20%
157 코인 | 187 쌍 |
19,952 (99.26%) | 4e4642cd-5bab-4843-a32f-d5217fd43a5c | https://openocean.finance/ | |||||||||
Solarbeam |
$87,800 9.78%
5 코인 | 4 쌍 |
20,926 (100.00%) | 85799578-7ed4-48ff-b573-b0164ade4d63 | https://solarbeam.io/ | |||||||||
BakerySwap |
$39,396 125.18%
16 코인 | 18 쌍 |
22,943 (99.36%) | b3038c4f-32a0-4f7f-8855-61c39dfdca7f | https://www.bakeryswap.org/#/home | |||||||||
Fraxswap v2 (Ethereum) |
$846,316 66.41%
0.00% |
0.00% |
5 코인 | 4 쌍 |
24,010 (99.43%) | cf5f660a-f4aa-47a1-9077-7cec4e0dbadc | https://app.frax.finance/swap/main | |||||||
Fraxswap (Optimism) |
$27,810 111.74%
0.00% |
0.00% |
2 코인 | 1 쌍 |
24,010 (99.43%) | 3916ac0c-4aa3-4bae-bbb5-9a79b0bd6b90 | https://app.frax.finance/swap/main | |||||||
EddyFinance |
$827 15.50%
0.00% |
0.00% |
2 코인 | 1 쌍 |
21,552 (99.39%) | 6230c804-10b4-4d0f-947c-881981acab55 | https://www.eddy.finance/ | |||||||
Wagmi (zkSync Era) |
$725 101.38%
0.00% 수수료 |
0.00% 수수료 |
3 코인 | 2 쌍 |
19,155 (99.78%) | dfb2bacc-f798-4e43-95a1-0674e5b26e27 | https://wagmi.com/ | |||||||
BaseSwap |
$45,817 31.88%
0.00% |
0.00% |
21 코인 | 29 쌍 |
19,846 (99.42%) | 7c3f4431-069e-4c0e-a51b-5e9343c08ce0 | https://baseswap.fi/ | |||||||
Dexalot |
$145,054,203 45.39%
0.00% 수수료 |
0.00% 수수료 |
12 코인 | 14 쌍 |
2,406 (99.73%) | 8421bb3e-078b-4be7-ad6b-120d1a7aa5db | https://app.dexalot.com/trade | |||||||
$15,802,991 107.81%
수수료 | 수수료 | 7 코인 | 6 쌍 |
5,192 (99.51%) | 0250ccfb-32e6-4a60-93cc-2643ab07530c | https://abcc.com/ | |||||||
VVS Finance |
$1,836,484 70.88%
수수료 | 수수료 | 43 코인 | 63 쌍 |
14,973 (99.46%) | 144fea00-1b69-41de-a9d6-115004cecddf | https://vvs.finance/ | |||||||
Equalizer |
$7,013,007 320.17%
0.00% |
0.00% |
34 코인 | 43 쌍 |
14,259 (99.29%) | 1d1c8ad2-f603-42d8-a034-45ced774ca6f | https://equalizer.exchange/ | |||||||
zkSwap Finance |
$4,478,164 123.28%
0.00% |
0.00% |
22 코인 | 25 쌍 |
15,024 (99.59%) | 13ecf806-5b06-4c49-b85e-669ef666d8e2 | https://zkswap.finance/swap | |||||||
StellaSwap |
$43,626 35.32%
5 코인 | 4 쌍 |
14,966 (99.60%) | 32047d87-3f18-43b6-bb02-cbdbb5a082da | https://app.stellaswap.com/en/exchange/swap | app.stellaswap.com | ||||||||
Liquidswap v0.5 |
$2,803,337 10.04%
0.00% |
0.00% |
23 코인 | 31 쌍 |
14,825 (99.40%) | c885d7bf-8710-4313-abe3-90ec775450a4 | https://liquidswap.com/#/ | |||||||
Dragonswap |
$1,761,290 29.99%
0.00% |
0.00% |
5 코인 | 5 쌍 |
15,445 (99.67%) | 89a18b5b-1e59-4e30-9e86-bd1f83874ca7 | https://dragonswap.app/pools | |||||||
SmarDex |
0.00% 수수료 |
0.00% 수수료 |
43 코인 |
15,498 (99.43%) | 30123b0a-0aeb-4277-9933-e988d9729ec0 | https://www.smardex.io/ | |||||||||
StellaSwap v3 |
$333,383 19.05%
0.00% |
0.00% |
9 코인 | 8 쌍 |
14,966 (99.60%) | eddb34e3-f269-44fc-833d-67f4c4ea7640 | https://stellaswap.com/ | |||||||
Liquidswap |
$78,966 5.14%
0.00% |
0.00% |
12 코인 | 16 쌍 |
14,825 (99.40%) | a2fca162-5dd5-486b-8a06-4c9465a8e7d0 | https://liquidswap.com | |||||||
Mercatox |
$7,102,138 7.66%
수수료 | 수수료 | 184 코인 | 274 쌍 |
12,849 (99.35%) | bc944d25-b1fd-46db-9907-ae6077e82784 | https://mercatox.com/ | |||||||
DeFi Kingdoms |
$437 1,004.58%
수수료 | 수수료 | 7 코인 | 7 쌍 |
14,091 (99.35%) | b42746d6-ba9b-49de-b830-7dda20bcef4a | https://defikingdoms.com/ | |||||||
Maverick Protocol |
$124 25.72%
0.00% |
0.00% |
4 코인 | 3 쌍 |
14,719 (99.49%) | a2283d99-d773-4a03-bcfb-5d51929244bd | https://app.mav.xyz/?chain=1 | |||||||
Loopring Exchange |
$146,799 36.68%
수수료 | 수수료 | 10 코인 | 10 쌍 |
11,907 (99.35%) | 869736f5-55f8-4673-a3f1-e568db1b545d | http://loopring.io/ | |||||||
Cat.Ex |
$73,612,086 24.82%
수수료 | 수수료 | 23 코인 | 31 쌍 |
4,279 (99.36%) | bada36d2-244b-4eca-9d84-e8704967eacf | https://www.catex.io/ | |||||||
FreiExchange |
$7,372 53.48%
수수료 | 수수료 | 49 코인 | 48 쌍 |
10,470 (99.71%) | a2947954-b575-4e06-b8f1-dcebe124acf3 | https://freiexchange.com/ | |||||||
Kujira Fin |
$180,749 14.66%
46 코인 | 94 쌍 |
5,447 (99.32%) | 8fd41021-d36b-453c-bc7d-d77b4a6eb624 | https://kujira.app/ | |||||||||
$1,464,952 74.20%
수수료 | 수수료 | 4 코인 | 4 쌍 |
2,865 (99.41%) | abfb16fb-19d9-4ef3-9209-05107fa8716f | https://www.btcbox.co.jp/ | |||||||
SundaeSwap | 21 코인 |
13,044 (99.53%) | d6d8004e-aeb2-4d51-a407-4599064518d7 | https://exchange.sundaeswap.finance/ | |||||||||||
ApeSwap (BSC) |
$235,932 9.54%
수수료 | 수수료 | 110 코인 | 121 쌍 |
12,559 (99.54%) | 68150df0-1918-4947-a59f-b628cd8221a5 | https://dex.apeswap.finance/#/swap | dex.apeswap.finance | ||||||
DeFi Kingdoms (Crystalvale) |
$55,236 164.24%
수수료 | 수수료 | 3 코인 | 3 쌍 |
14,091 (99.35%) | a3c87653-1c7e-4bbe-9709-83e1e5680426 | https://defikingdoms.com/crystalvale/ | |||||||
Sonic |
$66,166 377.03%
0.00% |
0.00% |
13 코인 | 15 쌍 |
13,427 (99.57%) | 0ff624a8-9e73-47e6-b3a6-2409ac8f00b6 | https://data.sonic.ooo/ | |||||||
Persistence DEX |
$37,477 23.82%
0.00% 수수료 |
0.00% 수수료 |
12 코인 | 11 쌍 |
13,367 (99.57%) | b8f14aea-2876-486d-81dd-b25eeba65172 | https://persistence.one/ | |||||||
Bittylicious | 수수료 | 수수료 | 6 코인 |
13,269 (99.57%) | d1b90c24-dca3-4fd7-8af6-2e65e0905628 | https://bittylicious.com | |||||||||
ApeSwap (Polygon) |
$8,065 35.67%
수수료 | 수수료 | 18 코인 | 18 쌍 |
12,559 (99.54%) | 8d9ae5e1-01e3-4416-a572-d8c0fbaf7c7e | https://apeswap.finance/ | |||||||
Blasterswap |
$10,796 72.85%
0.00% |
0.00% |
7 코인 | 9 쌍 |
13,708 (99.28%) | 27866ae1-0fab-4ba5-a368-533497e6dc86 | https://blasterswap.com/ | |||||||
Defi Kingdoms (Klaytn) |
0.00% |
0.00% |
5 코인 |
14,091 (99.35%) | fe7aeaab-141e-4955-830d-b29d4d49cb7a | https://game.defikingdoms.com/ | |||||||||
Koinpark |
0.00% 수수료 |
0.00% 수수료 |
137 코인 |
10,005 (98.87%) | 88cc991e-f3cf-4599-8196-4a5fbb2336b7 | https://www.koinpark.com | |||||||||
Gleec BTC |
0.00% 수수료 |
0.00% 수수료 |
89 코인 |
3,051 (100.00%) | ef5fd160-4e61-4366-ab8d-5b09a1a53710 | https://exchange.gleec.com/ | |||||||||
Tokpie |
0.00% 수수료 |
0.00% 수수료 |
73 코인 |
6,447 (99.32%) | dc9c4c8e-13ac-4a38-91c9-ca71daab1775 | https://tokpie.io/ | |||||||||
Pangolin |
$282,655 27.15%
0.30% 수수료 |
0.30% 수수료 |
45 코인 | 55 쌍 |
10,562 (99.58%) | f65a766e-97d7-40a4-8feb-c5198c8165c3 | https://app.pangolin.exchange/#/swap | app.pangolin.exchange | ||||||
Koi Finance |
$116,790 7.84%
0.00% |
0.00% |
17 코인 | 19 쌍 |
10,305 (99.27%) | 5a816c16-5713-41cf-8daa-bd5ca7a886b3 | https://app.koi.finance/ | |||||||