加密货币交易中心列表 / 评论
Reliable exchange ratings based on regulatory strength, liquidity, web traffic and popularity, pricing, features, and customer support, with undiscounted fees comparison.
Exchange | 注册链接 | 总体评价 | 规 | 量 24 小时 | 接受者费用 | 制作费 | # 币 | # 币对 | 支持Fiat | 接受美国客户 | 接受加拿大客户 | 接受日本客户 | 资产类别 | 每月自然访问 | 8a477993-959a-4e9f-9218-c233f2ca1de1 | ||
Firebird Finance (Polygon) |
$3 14.06%
4 币 | 3 币对 |
在 50,000 下 | 1bf215b2-189c-4296-bfdc-3f795d47b3d2 | https://app.firebird.finance/ | app.firebird.finance | ||||||||
CantoSwap |
$1 58.72%
0.00% |
0.00% |
2 币 | 1 币对 |
在 50,000 下 | 8a9a2206-5f8b-4ec2-88f1-5d8947be1b25 | https://www.cantoswap.fi/#/swap | |||||||
Decaswap |
$0 0.00%
0.00% |
0.00% |
2 币 | 1 币对 |
在 50,000 下 | 9b66d109-65f7-474a-9a29-fb2bab1ccf4a | https://decaswap.finance/swap | |||||||
Gravity Finance |
$5,462 761.26%
0.00% 费用 |
0.00% 费用 |
10 币 | 14 币对 |
在 50,000 下 | 5a0bf97b-1f39-42d4-bed5-f4f0926c7202 | https://gravityfinance.io/ | |||||||
RCP Swap |
$4,267 47.94%
0.00% |
0.00% |
6 币 | 7 币对 |
在 50,000 下 | 062a1140-5bc3-40ee-8f48-37a55c67e85f | https://rcpswap.com/#/swap | |||||||
AnimeSwap (Aptos) |
$3,613 25.41%
0.00% |
0.00% |
11 币 | 11 币对 |
在 50,000 下 | a331b395-6540-42c3-9358-61ccfdbfa9e9 | https://app.animeswap.org/#/swap?chain=aptos | |||||||
SolidLizard |
$3,170 23.78%
0.00% |
0.00% |
7 币 | 8 币对 |
在 50,000 下 | 032a1863-c742-4817-8dec-1e9a95f7ef4a | https://solidlizard.finance/ | |||||||
Forteswap |
$2,301 34.08%
0.00% |
0.00% |
2 币 | 1 币对 |
在 50,000 下 | a645bf45-a72c-4582-ad57-0a838d34320f | https://forteswap.xyz/ | |||||||
DoveSwap v3 |
$2,183 56.05%
0.00% 费用 |
0.00% 费用 |
5 币 | 6 币对 |
在 50,000 下 | e4ab1050-28d1-4de3-b532-602f68070ecd | https://swap.dovish.finance/ | |||||||
KibbleSwap |
$2 59.68%
0.00% |
0.00% |
3 币 | 2 币对 |
在 50,000 下 | 63e76b84-6f18-4603-80c9-94fc75cab968 | https://kibbleswap.dog | |||||||
Kyotoswap |
$1,310 181.62%
0.00% |
0.00% |
7 币 | 7 币对 |
在 50,000 下 | 480d7e05-091b-41e1-b0cf-594139158b82 | https://www.kyotoswap.io/ | |||||||
Bored Candy City |
$1,061 76.13%
0.00% |
0.00% |
4 币 | 3 币对 |
在 50,000 下 | 2e850e64-d5f0-425c-9b78-806ab3fcec8f | https://candycity.finance/ | |||||||
LFGSwap (Arbitrum) |
$880 72.01%
0.00% |
0.00% |
5 币 | 6 币对 |
在 50,000 下 | 89de283d-6967-4004-b328-ee5e38587ba8 | https://app.lfgswap.finance/swap?chainId=42161 | |||||||
GemSwap |
$723 87.38%
0.00% |
0.00% |
2 币 | 1 币对 |
在 50,000 下 | cd8f4bce-4784-47ef-95ed-5b42dc445f3c | https://zks.gemswap.online | |||||||
MM Finance (Arbitrum) |
$552 78.17%
0.00% |
0.00% |
6 币 | 6 币对 |
在 50,000 下 | ca957a2b-def0-4218-82ba-800d016f2e82 | https://arbimm.finance/ | |||||||
Zyberswap |
$343 25.63%
0.00% |
0.00% |
5 币 | 4 币对 |
在 50,000 下 | fe016569-418b-4cdb-8e23-235588a83bb7 | https://app.zyberswap.io/exchange/swap | |||||||
FlairDex |
$216 65.69%
0.00% 费用 |
0.00% 费用 |
4 币 | 2 币对 |
在 50,000 下 | bed00a8c-153b-4987-988b-df3cb40c9e94 | https://app.flairdex.xyz/swap | |||||||
Lizard |
$194 38.56%
0.00% |
0.00% |
3 币 | 2 币对 |
在 50,000 下 | 16f59551-008b-4c5e-b048-bff390c8d7da | https://www.lizard.exchange | |||||||
Energiswap |
$138 4.28%
0.00% 费用 |
0.00% 费用 |
2 币 | 1 币对 |
在 50,000 下 | cd66ff76-cc3d-43ae-8f77-24e808e2b97b | https://energiswap.exchange/ | |||||||
OreoSwap |
$85 26.32%
0.00% |
0.00% |
8 币 | 6 币对 |
在 50,000 下 | b478f4c1-56ec-4c99-8287-ad308eac2fbb | https://oreoswap.finance/ | |||||||
Alien.Fi |
$60 106.65%
0.00% |
0.00% |
3 币 | 2 币对 |
在 50,000 下 | bf9e4485-ba8f-42d1-95d2-7c8e099f53e3 | https://www.alien.fi/ | |||||||
AmpleSwap |
0.00% 费用 |
0.00% 费用 |
6 币 |
在 50,000 下 | 9edb2a1a-5d90-49e1-9b99-5e3f34060a2d | https://info.ampleswap.com/pairs | |||||||||
SkullSwap |
$2 96.81%
0.00% |
0.00% |
3 币 | 2 币对 |
在 50,000 下 | e4d92d17-61f6-4448-9c7c-1121ccd62414 | https://www.skullswap.exchange/#/swap | |||||||
BlastDex |
$1 98.00%
0.00% |
0.00% |
2 币 | 1 币对 |
在 50,000 下 | 72a6635e-0c6d-4293-b697-5b6e9d7cce79 | https://blastdex.xyz/swap | |||||||
AbstraDex(X layer) |
$0 97.43%
0.00% |
0.00% |
2 币 | 1 币对 |
在 50,000 下 | 34eb98b0-7499-4942-9a91-c3231bbc02cc | https://abstradex.xyz/ | |||||||
3xcalibur |
$0 79.88%
0.00% |
0.00% |
2 币 | 1 币对 |
在 50,000 下 | ac31bf3a-305c-4f55-93f7-703d92c54833 | https://app.3xcalibur.com/swap | |||||||
Ezkalibur |
$1,144 44.16%
0.00% |
0.00% |
4 币 | 3 币对 |
在 50,000 下 | 6e1f1d1f-2dfc-42ea-875f-03131349b002 | https://dapp.ezkalibur.com/ | |||||||
Mars Ecosystem |
$463 114.13%
费用 | 费用 | 3 币 | 3 币对 |
在 50,000 下 | 10744658-658e-43c6-856a-d63c15998194 | https://marsecosystem.com | |||||||
RocketSwap |
$104,635 56.32%
0.00% |
0.00% |
4 币 | 4 币对 |
在 50,000 下 | cae68915-60b5-4ed1-ad8a-4f9f63301f56 | https://app.rocketswap.cc/exchange/swap | |||||||
LFGSwap (Core) |
$1,106 22.42%
0.00% |
0.00% |
5 币 | 4 币对 |
在 50,000 下 | 04bd33e9-09b1-437d-815a-3a4cea8180f7 | https://app.lfgswap.finance/swap?chainId=1116 | |||||||
Horizon Dex |
$1,153 35.46%
0.00% |
0.00% |
6 币 | 9 币对 |
在 50,000 下 | 3e61e998-9284-422b-b095-c1ce38f8b5a0 | https://horizondex.io/ | |||||||
Core Dao Swap |
$16 28.94%
0.00% |
0.00% |
2 币 | 1 币对 |
在 50,000 下 | 92da8fcc-a169-4136-a880-2c25d0a361e0 | https://www.coredaoswap.com/ | |||||||
DogSwap |
$6 195.20%
0.00% |
0.00% |
2 币 | 1 币对 |
在 50,000 下 | b03eb60e-8c99-4a5b-9c48-3ffae0226cc7 | https://dog-swap.finance/ | |||||||
W3Swap |
$2 36.55%
0.00% |
0.00% |
4 币 | 3 币对 |
在 50,000 下 | 38f1934c-7937-4422-8772-d980313acba7 | https://www.w3swap.finance/ | |||||||
Thruster |
$143,937,198 1,313.58%
0.00% |
0.00% |
18 币 | 40 币对 |
51,047 (99.51%) | 4e71d2b9-8fa0-4027-acac-973e29efadce | https://app.thruster.finance/ | |||||||
iZiSwap (Zeta) |
$30,020 27.58%
0.00% |
0.00% |
2 币 | 1 币对 |
138,473 (99.65%) | 66286fd2-cd15-4289-9d34-3f94e882effc | https://izumi.finance/ | |||||||
Huobi |
$1,931,889,990 37.53%
0.04% 费用 |
0.02% 费用 |
713 币 | 856 币对 |
106,922 (99.67%) | f5e39443-28c0-4f80-a8c9-bd74370e0bd2 | https://www.huobi.com/ | ||||||||
Digital Financial Exchange |
0.00% 费用 |
0.00% 费用 |
3 币 |
651 (99.47%) | 3b477dcd-06f8-4968-a0da-9bc444beadf4 | https://difx.com/market | |||||||||
CommEX |
$30,100,445 6.30%
0.00% 费用 |
0.00% 费用 |
135 币 | 183 币对 |
83,746 (100.00%) | f8334da6-9bb7-44f0-aa8a-be7a3ddbea48 | https://www.commex.com | |||||||
Billance | 费用 | 费用 | 187 币 |
在 50,000 下 | 475b899c-5d85-467c-8d6c-afa443a5815f | https://www.billance.com/ | |||||||||
PancakeSwap v3 (BSC) |
0.00% 费用 |
0.00% 费用 |
444 币 |
1,147,032 (99.32%) | e896e04d-65b8-4d6f-9707-828761df4feb | https://pancakeswap.finance | |||||||||
One Trading |
$1,827,185 254.67%
0.00% |
0.00% |
18 币 | 21 币对 |
59,026 (99.40%) | ec1b9e28-2607-4f72-9471-0a97337d767e | https://onetrading.com/ | |||||||
Tarmex |
0.00% 费用 |
0.00% 费用 |
73 币 |
在 50,000 下 | 61ad6b24-e679-4949-b61b-7cf72ebc2aa4 | https://tarmex.io | |||||||||
Canto Dex |
0.00% |
0.00% |
4 币 |
5,968 (99.37%) | fd1b12e5-eb67-409b-bf6d-f33d42dedbe6 | https://canto.io/ | |||||||||
Mango Markets |
0.00% 费用 |
0.00% 费用 |
11 币 |
27,210 (99.53%) | 04c829bf-9485-48e1-a268-14718cff8c27 | https://trade.mango.markets/ | |||||||||
Coinhub | 费用 | 费用 | 23 币 |
9,073 (99.29%) | 28115603-0316-4b53-ab61-a7aa9d7fb9f4 | https://www.coinhub.mn/ | |||||||||
ZigZag (zkSync Lite) | 费用 | 费用 | 25 币 |
183 (99.38%) | 5266bd0e-0489-4aa9-b69e-71852dd85151 | https://trade.zigzag.exchange/ | |||||||||
Symmetric(XDAI) | 3 币 |
199 (98.82%) | 07f5f265-f2ef-4f5b-bc16-155a505095ba | https://symmetric.finance | |||||||||||
Acala Swap | 7 币 |
19,884 (99.47%) | 0b43a3f4-fc67-49b1-836f-8ca8f433907a | https://apps.acala.network/swap | |||||||||||
Orion BSC |
0.00% |
0.00% |
13 币 |
12,334 (99.32%) | b2550734-6d47-47ee-94c3-796f282365bb | https://orion.xyz/ | |||||||||